Saturday, December 30, 2006

MTA Christmas Party

Chris and I went to our first company Christmas Party on December 9th for the company I work for. We went to Chez Nous, a fancy French Restaurant in Humble. We were served a variety of appetizers ranging from cheese puffs to shrimp cocktails to duck. I actually tried the duck - never to be tried again! It was quite an interesting night to see so many of my co-workers on the tipsy side.

Great News!

Some of you may or may not know, but I have been studying for a series of five NIPA exams. After completion of the fifth exam, I will be an accredited pension administrator. I took the first exam December 3rd, and received my score a few weeks later. I passed! Only four more to go!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Christmas Tree Hunt

Growing up, I always had "real" Christmas trees. This consisted of going to the grocery store, picking out your favorite, and taking it home. As I got older, this consisted of my mom mail ordering it so that it was delivered to our doorstep. In college, my mom opted for a new type of tree - a fake one.

Chris on the other hand, always had real Christmas trees. They would go out as a family, pick out the perfect tree, cut it down and bring it home to decorate. This was a tradition that I couldn't wait to begin with Chris!!

So, last year we cut down our first Christmas tree together. It was 8 feet tall in our tiny apartment. It took up our entire family room! Keeping that in mind, we decided we wouldn't get quite as large of a tree. Although, we do have much more space.

So, on December 3rd, Chris and I drove around until we found a Christmas tree farm. We then picked up a saw, left the measuring stick behind, and jumped on the wagon to search for our "perfect" tree.

We rode to the back of the lot, jumped off, and began the hunt. We would find a tree, try to mark where it was, then explore a different area. Trying to come back to the original tree was always a challenge. I would still be walking around trying to find it if it weren't for Chris!

Finally, we found THE tree. Chris sawed it down, while I attempted to catch it. We then carried it what seemed like a mile back to the road.

We lucked out with the weather. It was actually cold and felt like winter!! After we brought the tree back to the front, they measured the height. 8.5 feet tall!!!! We now have the perfect tree all decorated at our new house. Pictures to come!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Shout Out to My Wonderful Husband

25 years ago, my amazing, wonderful, and loving husband was born. Happy Birthday to the greatest guy I have ever known! I hope you have a spectacular day today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Slow to Speak, Quick to Listen

I spoke previously of "my mission field" (work). I have been faithfully praying for opportunities to share with those around me. An opportunity arose on Tuesday. I had an opportunity to share my faith with two of my co-workers. I was quick to listen to their thoughts. I was even slower to speak. Too slow. I allowed a guy that I consider to be extremely intelligent to intimidate me. Why? Is my faith that shallow? I know there was not much for me to say to him that day, but there was something. And I missed it. I pray for another opportunity and this time, this time I will be ready. I will be quick to listen and slow to speak. But not too slow.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween at Work

This was my first experience dressing up for Halloween at work. The number of stares I received when we went out to lunch was overwhelming. But it was so much fun. Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment.

Chris also had a fun experience dressing up at work. He met his perfect match:

What fun times...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Wedding Highlight Video

Here's a link to our wedding highlight video for anyone interested! (I know, it only took a year to get it on here!)

Saturday, September 30, 2006

My Second Home...

I have had the incredible opportunity the past two and a half months to meet and develop relationships with several women at my new job. I share an office with one of the youngest ladies in the company (a mere 39 years old), and spend countless hours talking to her about a broad variety of random topics. At this company I have learned that just as people are needed in other countries to share Christ, people are needed right here in Houston, Texas. This place I "work" at, is one of my "mission fields" and I am so excited about the opportunities that lie ahead of me! For your viewing pleasure, here are a couple of pictures of my newly decorated office:

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Few Updates

The month of July has been filled with many exciting events. The first, of course, would be our one year anniversary. Since then, however, I have started a new job and we now have a nearly completed exterior of a house!! I started a new job at Malcolm Thompson & Associates on July 17th. So far, I love my new job because I get to learn new things everyday! As for our to come!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Anniversary Pictures

We definitely had a blast on our trip!

Chris is driving, I'm taking the picture. Don't worry, there were no cars around.

Here is the first ever Dairy King! Yes, you read that right, Dairy KING!!

Outside the Wharf Friday night.

My paper rose...

I am currently winning Aggieopoly. I lost the game in the end.

Oops, missed a spot!

Cooling off with a sno cone.

Chris outside the dome-shaped restaurant Saturday night.

This is the amazing fish we discovered on our walk along the beach Sunday morning.

God's creation...

Reflections of a year

Wow, I am in disbelief that it has already been an entire year since Chris and I were married! It seems like just last month I was frantically making last minute decisions about our ceremony and reception. That was over twelve months ago. This past year has been filled with trials, encouragement, ending of things from my singledom, new beginnings, and plenty of fun! Although it was tough adjusting to the changing of relationships, I have met some great new friends and continue to meet more that will be a part of this portion of my life's journey. I look forward to embarking on the journey that lies ahead with my newfound friends and, more importantly, my new best friend. On July 7th, my best friend and I began a short drive to Port Aransas to celebrate our one year anniversary. As we pulled onto the ferry to take us to this small island, I was reminded of our honeymoon aboard a cruiseship. Those of you planning your honeymoon's, I would highly recommend a cruise. There are no worries, plenty of entertainment, more than enough privacy, and so much fun!

Back to our anniversary...Friday night we had the opportunity to simply relax and enjoy each other's company. Chris surprised me with a beautiful paper rose just before we began a long game of Aggieopoly. Saturday we spent on the beach basking in the sun and enjoying the rhythmic waves of the ocean. Saturday night involved dinner, dessert, and great conversation. We reflected on the past year and discussed changes to be made this next year. Sunday morning we went for a stroll along the beach before returning back home. The ocean is such a mystical thing to me with the changing tides, shifting sand, many creatures, and beautiful scenery. God's creation is such a wonder!

After we returned from Port Aransas, on July 9th we celebrated with dinner and sharing of wedding cake. I have decided after collaborating with other newly married couples that wedding cakes were simply not baked to last an entire year. Although we thoroughly enjoyed reminiscing our wedding with the top layer of cake, our tastebuds did not. Then, our second year's journey began...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Precious Niece

I had the incredible privilege of spending last week with my precious niece, Zoe. My brother and his wife have done an incredible job raising their kids. I would have expected a week with a five year old to be, well, the longest week of my life. However, my niece is so well-behaved that I enjoyed every minute that I spent with her. She is perhaps one of the cutest five year olds I know. I'll let the pictures prove my point...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Bonding at Kemah

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to Kemah with my mom, two friends from high school, and their moms.

Here we are outside the Saltgrass Jail.

We ate lunch at a seafood restaurant called The Flying Dutchman. I must say, as we've grown older our conversations are not the same as they were eight years ago. I have not laughed that hard in a long time.

Too cute for words...

Well, I must say that I am definitely enjoying my unemployed days. My niece will be coming to visit all by herself (she's only four!) for a week starting this Saturday. I am looking forward to entertaining her!

I have also had the pleasure of waking up each morning at 6:15 to pack Chris' lunch for him. It's amazing how delighted he gets each morning when he discovers he does not have to make his lunch!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

New York Trip

Our trip to New York was so much fun. We walked more in those three days than I think I have walked in my entire life!

Here are some of the pictures from our trip:

This is the view of Ground Zero. It is completely blocked off so the picture are from behind a large fence and windows.

Chris and I in front of Macy's. Did you know there are NINE floors? A few of them have wooden escalators!

Chris, his brother (Matt), and I at ESPNZone eating lunch.

Chris and Matt posing with a statue built entirely out of LEGOS! Me with a GIGANTIC bear! We spent quite a while at FAO Schwartz playing with all their toys...

Chris eating a famous New York hot dog. I thought he had enough of those in Trulife, but I guess I was wrong...

Here we are standing on the Brooklyn Bridge. We walked across it our last night there.

On our last day in New York, we met up with Johanna and her boyfriend, Drew, who were driving back to Texas from Boston!

We had such an amazing time in New York spending time with Matt and seeing Johanna and Drew. Among some of the other things that we did during our short stay there, we saw the Blue Man Group, Chicago (the broadway play), went on a three hour boat cruise, and ate pizza at least once a day!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Lots of Changes...

I am not sure why, but changes in life seem to come in waves. For the past few months everything has been routine-like. In the last week, however, there have been several changes!

First, I have quit my job as a teacher/coach and am currently unemployed (but searching of course).

Second, Chris and I took a vacation to New York to visit his brother (details/pictures to come).

Third, Chris will FINALLY be hired on as a permanent employee at Anadarko tomorrow!!

Finally, we are building a house (more details to come)!