Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Christmas Tree Hunt

Growing up, I always had "real" Christmas trees. This consisted of going to the grocery store, picking out your favorite, and taking it home. As I got older, this consisted of my mom mail ordering it so that it was delivered to our doorstep. In college, my mom opted for a new type of tree - a fake one.

Chris on the other hand, always had real Christmas trees. They would go out as a family, pick out the perfect tree, cut it down and bring it home to decorate. This was a tradition that I couldn't wait to begin with Chris!!

So, last year we cut down our first Christmas tree together. It was 8 feet tall in our tiny apartment. It took up our entire family room! Keeping that in mind, we decided we wouldn't get quite as large of a tree. Although, we do have much more space.

So, on December 3rd, Chris and I drove around until we found a Christmas tree farm. We then picked up a saw, left the measuring stick behind, and jumped on the wagon to search for our "perfect" tree.

We rode to the back of the lot, jumped off, and began the hunt. We would find a tree, try to mark where it was, then explore a different area. Trying to come back to the original tree was always a challenge. I would still be walking around trying to find it if it weren't for Chris!

Finally, we found THE tree. Chris sawed it down, while I attempted to catch it. We then carried it what seemed like a mile back to the road.

We lucked out with the weather. It was actually cold and felt like winter!! After we brought the tree back to the front, they measured the height. 8.5 feet tall!!!! We now have the perfect tree all decorated at our new house. Pictures to come!

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